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CRPRA Newsletter - Reflections - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates

Join Us for the Start of Our 36th Season!

Thursday, September 8, 2011
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

The Clarion Hotel & Convention Center

And, mark your calendar now to join us on the
2nd Thursday of each month
from September through May!

- Fall 2011 Schedule -


Nick Ireland
from Premier Guitar

Premier Guitar started as a magazine (and still is), but the evolution and revolution of new media launched this string pickin' organization into the business of reaching 800,000+ guitar enthusiasts wherever they want to connect. (Read more below.) Register for this event
All about the
NewBo City Market
A meeting place. A public space. A year-round market. When completed, the NewBo City Market will feature a carefully crafted and eclectic mix of local, ethnic and gourmet food, events and attractions. Come to learn more!
The Retail Revolution
featuring Younkers
The retail environment of today isn't your mother's department store. Heck, it's not even like it was at this time last year! Come learn about retail marketing and that most anticipated of holidays, Black Friday.
Nick Westergaard
on Branding
Join us to hear the latest from this engaging presenter and one of the area's leading creative thinkers as he discusses Branding and Re-Branding.

In this issue:

  • Register today for the September meeting

  • A recap the May meeting when we visited the Human Resources Campus of East Central Iowa


“Audience vs. Circulation”
with Nick Ireland, Marketing Manager, Premier Guitar

Since 2007, guitar media company, Premier Guitar, has built an international multimedia audience that has grown to 800,000+. This growth is largely attributed to delivering good content to readers when, where, and how they’d like to read via a variety of multimedia platforms. Premier Guitar has developed an extremely engaged, qualified, and responsive audience while becoming the share-of-market leader in its competitive space through a commitment to service to its advertising partners.

Nick Ireland - Premier GuitarIn this presentation, Premier Guitar's Nick Ireland will discuss the ways in which Premier Guitar has evolved to meet the needs of its audience and advertisers.

About the presenter: Nick Ireland is a native Cedar Rapidian, having graduated from Xavier High School in 2001. Nick earned a major in public relations and a minor in journalism at the University of Northern Iowa and remained at UNI for graduate school, where he focused his studies on political communication. After working in the sales & marketing department of AEGON Financial Partners/Transamerica for nearly two years, Nick joined Premier Guitar as its marketing manager and has overseen marketing efforts since 2008.

Please join us!

Thursday, September 8, 2011
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Clarion Hotel and Convention Center
Cost: $15.00

Reservations are required and are due by
5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 2.  

 Submit your reservation for the September meeting

CRPRA meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, September through May.

Mark your calendars for the season!

        by Sher Jasperse

May 2011 - “How the CR Flood Gave Rise to an Outstanding New Home for CR Human Resource Agencies”

CRPRA ended its 35th anniversary season with a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the new Human Resources Campus of East Central Iowa, where we enjoyed meeting in the building’s bright fourth-floor conference room. Speaker Libby Slappey, formerly United Way Major Gifts Manager, explained that the Flood of 2008 was disastrous for many area nonprofit agencies, which were displaced and disabled just as they experienced a significant increase in demand for their services. Faced with this challenge, community leaders asked two questions: How can the community address the needs of so many nonprofits needing capital improvements or new facilities? Is there a better way to provide services to clients and improve the functionality of these organizations?

A coalition of nonprofit agency executives, business people and donors explored the options and proposed the creation of a joint Human Resources Campus similar to successful facilities in Des Moines and Council Bluffs. The idea was to build a communal facility that would efficiently house administrative offices, client service space, a conference center for meetings and training, and a business resource center. Eight anchor tenants, including the United Way of East Central Iowa, expressed immediate interest, and plans were developed for a $15 million facility in downtown Cedar Rapids. Funding for the new building came from the Culver I-Jobs program, which provided $10 million, a donation of land from the Dummermuth family, the Hall Perrine Foundation, and numerous gifts from area businesses, foundations and individuals.

The energy-efficient new structure with parking on the ground level went from groundbreaking to completion in just 15 months, with tenants occupying the building in December 2010. Today 14 nonprofit agencies are meeting the needs of thousands of area clients in this attractive and purpose-built new space, which we were able to tour after Libby’s talk. Cheers to all who helped make this post-flood recovery story a rousing success!

THANK YOU to Pratt Audio-Visual & Video Corporation
for the generous donation of video projector rentals for our meetings!


“Bad human communication leaves us less room to grow. ”

– Rowan D. Williams


We Want to
Hear From You!

Are you...

...changing jobs?

...adding a new certification
to your resume?

...the recipient of an award?

Please email Associate
News to Eric Wylie at:


We'll include your news
in future newsletters!

Julie Perrine recently presented to an international audience at the IAAP Eduation Seminar and Annual Meeting in Canada.
Read more about Julie's presentation.

Donate a door prize - Get free face time!

Having door prizes makes our meetings even more enjoyable and your business or organization receives great exposure when you stand up to briefly explain your prize donation.

Door prizes can be any items such as coffee mugs, notebooks, candles and food items, or anything related to your business or organization that you would like to share.

We’ll draw names from those attending, hand out the door prizes and spotlight the businesses and individuals who donated. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!

To donate an item, please contact any CRPRA steering committee member when you arrive at a meeting.

Thank you for helping to make each CRPRA meeting a fun event!

If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker or topic you would like to see offered at a future meeting, or have any questions about CRPRA, please contact any of the Steering Committee members listed below.

Warren Byerly - Visual Images Productions, 360-7567

Connie Fullmer Dunkin - Dunkin One, 396-0185

Sher Jasperse - Writer/Editor, 364-2535

Carol Myers - J&A Printing Inc., 393-1781 ext. 249

Sara Reasner - Pratt Audio-Visual & Video Corp., 363-8144

Wilma Shadle - Retired Communications Professional, 363-6254

Eric Wylie - Wylie Creative Communications, 832-2916 



Are you looking for a great way to meet other area Marketing, Communications and Public Relations professionals and learn about exciting programs and people in Eastern Iowa? Then CRPRA is for you! Please join us!

Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates is an informal organization of professionals dedicated
to sharing information on effective practices and future trends affecting the public relations field.

Find more information online at www.crpra.com

Copyright 2007-2011 - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates

Reflections is distributed monthly via email from September through May.

If you wish to be removed from the CRPRA mailing list, please reply to this message with "REMOVE" as the subject.