It's time to kick-off
the 33rd season of Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates! Our
first meeting of the new season is Thursday, September 11.
Below you'll find
information about our upcoming meeting and a re-cap of events from
our final meeting of the 32nd season in May.
Help us continue to provide fun, informative and
timely presentations by submitting your suggestions for topics and
guest speakers!
Send your ideas to any Steering Committee member today!
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view this message on our Website.

Speaker: Todd Dorman
Cedar Rapids Gazette Columnist
You can read Todd's
columns on the
Gazette Website (enter
"Todd Dorman" in the Search box) and also check out
Todd's Blog.
Thursday, September 11,
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM,
Clark Alumni House, Coe College
Cost: $15.00
Reservations are
required and due by Noon on Friday, September 5.
The meeting will conclude at approximately 1
Reservations are
mandatory and
are due by Noon on Friday, September 5th.
your reservation online
you may call Carol Myers at
393-1781 ext. 249.
View 2008-2009 Meeting Schedule
Special Note About Meeting Introductions:
A popular
feature of our monthly meetings is the opportunity to meet and
network with other communications and public relations
professionals. This happens informally around our luncheon tables,
as well as at the point in our meeting when the host asks attendees
to very briefly introduce themselves to the entire group.
kindly remind all participants that your large group introduction
should include only your name and the business or
organization you represent.
Non-Profit Organizations
If you are a non-profit organization with an upcoming event you
wish to promote, or if you are a for-profit business sponsoring a
non-profit event, you are welcome to very briefly highlight that
event for the group. This opportunity is afforded to non-profit
organizations out of respect for their ability to effectively get
the word out without purchasing advertising.
For-Profit Businesses
Participants representing their own or another for-profit
business (an endeavor in which money is exchanged for goods or
services) should not provide descriptions of services or goods a
business offers. This is out of respect for the limited amount of
time we have available, and the fact that for-profit businesses are
more likely able to purchase advertising on their own behalf. Of
course, you are welcome to talk about any aspects of your business
when engaged in conversation at your luncheon table. This
restriction is only during the large-group introductions.
Prize Announcements
Any group or business that chooses to donate a door
prize may make a brief, but slightly commercial, announcement about
the item they are offering for the door prize drawing at the time
that door prizes are awarded. This announcement should be as brief
as possible. For example, "This beautiful, bright red Smith's Gift
Shop coffee mug is a reminder that our annual red tag sale will be
going on this month at Smith's Gift Shop at Main and 3rd Street.
There's a five dollar gift certificate inside the mug. We hope you
will stop in and see us."

by Sher Jasperse
"Fifteen in 5 Update"
Dan Baldwin, President/CEO of the
Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation, and Lee Clancey,
President of the CR Area Chamber of Commerce, provided a timely
update on the Fifteen in 5 community planning process launched in
2004. Fifteen in 5 solicited grassroots input on projects and
priorities our community should tackle by the end of the decade.
From 4,000 ideas suggested by individuals and groups throughout our
community (including CRPRA), a volunteer committee developed a final
list of 15 priorities. Sub-groups of people have been working on
these projects ever since.
Here are a few examples of actions
and events spurred by the Fifteen in 5 process in the last three
An Arts & Entertainment District
has been taking shape along 3rd St., with a new streetscape,
a New Bohemia Music Festival, and community art projects.
To make health care more
accessible, the Healthy Linn Network secured federal funding for
Linn Community Care, a health care center that provides services
to those with little or no insurance.
The current Year of the River
initiative and the Downtown Vision Plan are jointly addressing
several of the 15 priorities, including developing the
riverfront, expanding downtown housing, cleaning up abandoned
properties, building a state-of-the-art outdoor activity center,
empowering neighborhoods, developing light rail service, and
expanding our community's network of trails.
Like to know more? Go to the
Chamber's website ( and click on Fifteen in 5
(under News). Wish to get involved with one of the initiatives? Call
398-5317 to volunteer.
Editor's note: This meeting
took place prior to the historic June flooding, which may have
altered certain actions and events relating to the Fifteen in 5