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CRPRA January 2010 Newsletter - Reflections - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates

In this issue:

  • A preview of our January meeting with guest speaker Maureen Osako from Informatics.

  • The December meeting recap and notes about inclement weather and our reservation policy.


"How Technology is Changing the Way We Communicate and What's Ahead"

Maureen Osako - CRPRA Guest Speaker - January 2010Guest Speaker: Maureen Osako, Informatics

Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Clarion Hotel & Convention Center
Cost: $15.00

The meeting will conclude at approximately 1 p.m.

Reservations are required and are due by
5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 8.  

About the January 2010 Program:

Once again we welcome local business owner and technology executive Maureen Osako as our January speaker.

Maureen's presentation on emerging Internet technologies and issues is becoming a staple of our annual programming. Why? First, Maureen presents information in easy to understand terms and explains how various technologies can benefit your business or organization. Secondly, so much in this field changes in one year that we need this annual 'snapshot' to keep us up to date.

Kick off the New Year with insights on Internet technologies past, present and future with Maureen Osako and the friendly folks of CRPRA!

 Submit your reservation for the January meeting

CRPRA meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, September through May.

Mark your calendars!

        by Eric Wylie

What do you do when the guest speaker can't attend?

As a Steering Committee, we've pondered this question over the years, and have had a 'plan' of sorts in place to respond to such a situation. For the first time in recent memory, we were forced to put that plan into action in December when the guest speaker, Eric Bochner, was not able to make it to our meeting. (We did, however, still enjoy our chocolates from Bochner Chocolates, courtesy of CRPRA and our intrepid chocolate scout, Amber O'Connor!)

In lieu of a guest speaker, yours truly led a group discussion aimed at helping those in attendance with particular communications or PR issues. Through lots of good interaction and idea sharing, we talked about:

  • Having an attitude of abundance instead of an attitude of scarcity (being positive)
  • Finding and acting on opportunities to connect clients with one another
  • Perceptions and assumptions of businesses based on their size or marketing prowess (i.e. - A large company that does an excellent job of marketing most likely has very expensive products. Not necessarily -- please see "Wal-Mart.")
  • Acting as a consultant to customers - not always being there to sell, but to advise
  • Web-based collaboration tools - which ones to use - are they helpful, etc.
  • The high value and return on investment of good customer service/creating positive customer experiences
  • Suggestions for specific people to invite or topics to be covered at future CRPRA meetings.

Although we didn't break much new ground, it was a good discussion, and we all used our positive attitudes to make the best of the situation. Our thanks to all who participated for their time and understanding.

With our back-up plan now expended, the next time we have a guest cancel you'll get to hear all about my rock collection! (Just kidding! We're already working on the "new" back-up plan.)


Why didn't CRPRA just cancel the December meeting?

Even though the weather had been frightful, we continued with plans for the meeting to be held because we felt road conditions had improved enough that most people were back to work and could attend the meeting. As it turned out, only four of December's registered attendees were unable to join us.

We sent a note to all registered attendees the morning of the meeting to let them know that the meeting was still "on." It wasn't until after that notice went out, closer to the meeting time, that we learned that our guest speaker was not able to travel up from Iowa City to be with us.

As a Steering Committee, we do our best to schedule 'in-town' speakers in the worst of the wintry months - like January and February - to avoid this situation. We had not counted on such a large storm in early December. Future CRPRA planning sessions will now include a review of the Farmer's Almanac!


A note about Reservations and "No-shows"

Once we, as an organization, make a commitment to a caterer (which happens several days before each meeting) we are on the hook to pay the bill for the number of people confirmed with the caterer. Since we are NOT a for-profit organization, we don't have the cash-flow to cover those who register but choose not to attend and provide their payment. That is why we bill "no-shows" - we must be able to cover the expenses of every meeting.



"Obviously a public personality can be made absurd by misuse of the very mechanism which helped create it."

- Edward Bernays,
Propaganda, 1928


We Want to
Hear From You!

Are you...

...changing jobs?

...adding a new certification
to your resume?

...the recipient of an award?

Please email Member
News to Eric Wylie at:


We'll include your news
in future newsletters!

Want some free PR? Donate a door prize!

We had a fantastic turn-out for December Door Prizes! Thank you! It makes the meetings that much more enjoyable and your business or organization gets great exposure when you stand up to briefly explain your prize donation.

Door prizes can be any items such as coffee mugs, notebooks, candles and the ever-popular food items (especially chocolate!), etc.

We'll draw names each month and hand out the door prizes and spotlight the businesses and individuals who donated. It's a win-win situation for everyone! To donate an item, please contact any CRPRA steering committee member when you arrive for the meeting.

Thank you for helping to make each CRPRA meeting a fun event!

If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker or topic you would like to see offered at a future meeting, or have any questions about CRPRA, please contact any of the Steering Committee members listed below.

You may use the online email form or call the numbers listed.

Warren Byerly - Visual Images Productions, 360-7567
Connie Fullmer Dunkin - Dunkin One, 396-0185
Sher Jasperse - Writer/Editor, 364-2535
Carol Myers - J&A Printing Inc., 393-1781 ext. 249
Amber O'Connor - Erb's, 364-5159 ext. 126
Wilma Shadle - Retired Communications Professional, 363-6254
Eric Wylie - Wylie Creative Communications, 832-2916 



Are you looking for a great way to meet other area Marketing, Communications and Public Relations professionals and learn about exciting programs and people in Eastern Iowa? Then CRPRA is for you! Please join us!

Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates is an informal organization of professionals dedicated
to sharing information on effective practices and future trends affecting the public relations field.

Find more information online at www.crpra.com

Copyright 2007-2010 - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates

Reflections is distributed monthly via email from September through May.

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