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Program: "Direct Marketing & Print Innovations"
Thursday, February 14, 2008  
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Clark Alumni House, Coe College (
Cost: $15.00
Reservations are required and due by Noon on Friday, February 8.

Parking is available near Clark Alumni House, on the street and in nearby parking lots. The meeting will conclude at approximately 1 p.m.

Reservations are mandatory and are due by Noon on Friday, February 8.  

 Submit your reservation online or you may call Carol Myers at 393-1781 ext. 249.

View 2007-2008 Meeting Schedule

"Direct Marketing & Print Innovations"
Carol Myers, J&A Printing

Do you want a more effective way to increase your return on your marketing investment?

Join us in February as we learn about new, powerful ways to communicate. Carol Myers, Account Manager with J & A Printing, Inc. will introduce us to the exciting technology in the world of marketing including the ability to bring 1:1 communications to the world of print. This alone will open unlimited possibilities for communications with your customers or clients.

Carol Myers has been in the print industry since 1988 and is a member of Professional Women's Network and on the Steering Committee of Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates.  Please be our Valentine and join us on Thursday, February 14, for Carol's exciting and informative presentation!
Reservations are due: Noon, February 8.

        by Sher Jasperse

January meeting: "Web Trends and Internet Strategies"

For several years, Informatics founder and vice president Maureen Osako has helped us ride the wave of trends in communication technology. This year was no exception, as she began by reminding us why should we be paying attention: Because the Internet is creating new business models, it provides the most efficient distribution channel available and, frankly, it's a threat to organizations that are not figuring out how to incorporate it into their way of doing business. What are the top five strategies for using the Internet? 1. Make sure you have a well-designed, interactive website; 2. drive traffic to your site (cross marketing, search engines, pay per click); 3. use e-marketing (e-newsletters - like this one!); 4. consider the use of extranets (value-added private websites for select audiences); and 5. use interactive media to share information on your website (customer reviews, blogs, audio and video, message boards, podcasting).


"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers."
- Daniel J. Boorstin

Please email member
news to Kandi Behnke at:

Are you looking for a great way to meet other area Marketing, Communications and Public Relations professionals and learn about exciting programs and people in Eastern Iowa? Then CRPRA is for you!

Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates is an informal organization of professionals dedicated to sharing information on effective practices and future trends affecting the public relations field.

Want some free PR? Donate a door prize! Door prizes can be any items such as coffee mugs, notebooks, candles, the ever-popular food items (especially chocolate!), etc.

We'll draw names each month and hand out the door prizes and spotlight the businesses and individuals who donated. It's a win-win situation for everyone! To donate an item, please contact any CRPRA steering committee member, and thank you in advance for helping us celebrate 32 years of CRPRA!

If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker or topic you would like to see offered at a future meeting, or have any questions about CRPRA, please contact any of the Steering Committee members listed below.

You may use the online email form or call the numbers listed.

Warren Byerly, Treasurer, Visual Images Productions, 360-7567
Kandi Behnke,
Newsletter Editor,
Executive Administrator, Bradley and Riley Law Firm, 363-0101
Connie Fullmer Dunkin, Dunkin One, 396-0185
Sher Jasperse, Writer/Editor, 364-2535
Carol Myers, J&A Printing Inc., 393-1781 ext. 249
Amber O'Connor, Erb's Business Machines Inc., 364-5159 ext. 126
Debra Salz, Prevention Services & Strategies, 378-4640
Wilma Shadle, Cedar Rapids Community Concert Association, 363-6254
Eric Wylie, Webmaster, Eric Wylie Productions, 832-2916



Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates is an informal organization
of professionals dedicated to sharing information on effective practices
 and future trends affecting the public relations field.

Find more information online at

Copyright 2007-2008 - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates

Reflections is distributed monthly via email from September through May.

If you wish to be removed from the CRPRA mailing list, please reply to this message with "REMOVE" as the subject.