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CRPRA December 2009 Newsletter - Reflections - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates

Guests are welcomed to a recent Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates Meeting

In this issue:

  • A preview of our December meeting with guest speaker Eric Bochner of Bochner Chocolates.

  • A recap of our November meeting when we heard from Catie Kriewald, VP Marketing & Communications for the Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce.

  • CRPRA Member News and other notes.

We hope you'll join us in December!

 Bochner Chocolates

"The Sweet Business of Chocolate"

Guest Speaker: Eric Bochner,
Owner - Bochner Confections

Thursday, December 10, 2009, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Clarion Hotel & Convention Center
Cost: $15.00

The meeting will conclude at approximately 1 p.m.

Reservations are required and are due by
5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 4.  

About the December 2009 Program:

"The Sweet Business of Chocolate"

Nearly everyone loves chocolate - it's regularly noted as one of the few industries that does not suffer during hard economic times. It's also the passion and business of Eric Bochner, CEO of Bochner Confections.

Bochner hasn't always been in the chocolate business. He started out with a scientific background and a law degree and moved to California to work in the dot-com industry. After several other turns in his life, he enrolled in the French Culinary School in Chicago. While there he decided he wanted to start a confectionary business. Today, Bochner and his team make bite-sized works of art for everyone to enjoy!

Attend this program to learn more about the business of chocolate and how Eric Bochner has grown this company in and around Iowa! What a sweet way to start the holiday season!

Remember to bring a chocolate-loving friend or co-worker to this fun and interesting meeting!

 Submit your reservation for the December meeting

CRPRA meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, September through May.

Mark your calendars!

        by Sher Jasperse

November 2009 Meeting recap: A Crash Course in Crisis Planning

Catie Kriewald, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for the CR Chamber of Commerce - and a veteran of several hurricanes and one catastrophic flood - offered a boatload of advice on crisis planning at our November meeting. With effective planning, she advised, we can turn disastrous situations into positive outcomes for our organizations and clients. Among her suggestions:

Preparing for a crisis:

  • Have a crisis management team in place.
  • Develop a list of potential crises for your area and plan your response to each.
  • Consider all potential audiences.
  • Create a list of key personnel and define their roles in advance.
  • Test your plan and update contact information and other details as needed.
  • Develop trusted media relationships before a crisis strikes.

Key objectives:

  • Maintain connectivity with stakeholders.
  • Be readily accessible to the news media.
  • Show empathy for people affected by the disaster.

A few other dos and don'ts:

  • Anticipate questions and be prepared; create talking points.
  • Don't admit fault or spread blame.
  • Wait for the facts to unfold; don't speculate.
  • Notify closely affected parties before they learn the details through the media.
  • Be available for interviews.
  • Have media kits (in print or on flash drive) updated for quick distribution.
  • Tell the truth and be consistent with your story.
  • Make referrals as appropriate to other sources of information.
  • If you're lacking information, tell media exactly when you'll have it. Then deliver.
  • Monitor news coverage and follow up after the immediate crisis.

CRPRA Member News!

Amber O'Connor, Marketing Director at Erb's Technology Solutions and a member of the CRPRA Steering Committee, was recently elected to the Professional Women's Network Board of Directors. She will start a 3-year term in January.

Amy Belice was recently a presenter at the Open Doors Open Minds conference, produced by the Grant Wood AEA to introduce middle school girls to technology careers. Also, The Iowa Ledger, designed by Amy Belice Graphic Design, was recently awarded a national Apex award for improvement in design.

Eric Wylie, of Wylie Creative Communications and a member of the CRPRA Steering Committee, recently presented to the Anamosa High School Web Design class. Wylie is registered as a presenter through The Workplace Learning Connection at Kirkwood Community College and talks with classes of various grade levels about voiceover, audio production, Web design and marketing/communications. In recent years he has been invited to work with students in the Anamosa, Cedar Rapids, Linn-Mar and Prairie Community school districts.

"What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself."

Abraham Lincoln

We Want to
Hear From You!

Are you...

...changing jobs?

...adding a new certification
to your resume?

...the recipient of an award?

Please email Member
News to Eric Wylie at:


We'll include your news
in future newsletters!

Want some free PR? Donate a door prize!
Door prizes can be any items such as coffee mugs, notebooks, candles and the ever-popular food items (especially chocolate!), etc.

We'll draw names each month and hand out the door prizes and spotlight the businesses and individuals who donated. It's a win-win situation for everyone! To donate an item, please contact any CRPRA steering committee member, and thank you in advance for helping us celebrate 34 years of CRPRA!

If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker or topic you would like to see offered at a future meeting, or have any questions about CRPRA, please contact any of the Steering Committee members listed below.

You may use the online email form or call the numbers listed.

Warren Byerly - Visual Images Productions, 360-7567
Connie Fullmer Dunkin - Dunkin One, 396-0185
Sher Jasperse - Writer/Editor, 364-2535
Carol Myers - J&A Printing Inc., 393-1781 ext. 249
Amber O'Connor - Erb's, 364-5159 ext. 126
Wilma Shadle - Retired Communications Professional, 363-6254
Eric Wylie - Wylie Creative Communications, 832-2916 



Are you looking for a great way to meet other area Marketing, Communications and Public Relations professionals and learn about exciting programs and people in Eastern Iowa? Then CRPRA is for you! Please join us!

Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates is an informal organization of professionals dedicated
to sharing information on effective practices and future trends affecting the public relations field.

Find more information online at www.crpra.com

Copyright 2007-2009 - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates

Reflections is distributed monthly via email from September through May.

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