

The CRPRA 2007-2008
season is winding down and we are in the planning stages for our
2008-2009 season. Help us continue to provide fun, informative and
timely presentations by submitting your suggestions for topics and
speakers for the upcoming season!
Send your ideas to any Steering Committee member today!
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Your Small Business or Organization:
An Entrepreneurial Primer"
with Ann King, business consultant and educator
April 10,
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM,
Clark Alumni House, Coe College
Cost: $15.00
Reservations are
required and due by Noon on Friday, April 4.
The meeting will conclude at approximately 1
Reservations are
mandatory and
are due by Noon on Friday, April 4.
your reservation online
you may call Carol Myers at
393-1781 ext. 249.
View 2007-2008 Meeting Schedule
Program Preview:
"Growing Your Small Business or Organization: An
Entrepreneurial Primer"
- presented by Ann
King, business consultant and educator
Small business is what makes the
world go round, but what happens when you put yours
under the microscope? Regardless of your business or
organizational phase - from just starting out to growing
effectively, we will take an insightful look at the
myriad ways we can sharpen your focus. From basic
marketing, management, and communications principles to
a broader view of what successful market leaders are
doing, together we will explore possibilities that will
energize you in new directions.
King has spent more than 30 years in the marketing
and selling fields. After earning her BA in Journalism
from Iowa State University, she landed an assignment as
Marketing Director for two large regional shopping
center complexes, where her passion for entrepreneurial
development was kindled. Willing to try her hand at
anything new, she moved into the banking and
telecommunications industries before embarking on the
world of fitness and later plastics and eventually
starting her own consulting practice. A long-time guest
lecturer and employer of many interns, she decided to go
back to school to teach, completed a one-year
accelerated MBA program at St. Ambrose University, and
joined the Mount Mercy College faculty as a marketing
lecturer in the Business Division in August of 2006.
Join us on
Thursday, April 10, for this presentation!
Reservations are due by Noon, Friday, April 4.

by Sher Jasperse
March meeting: "Audio
and Video Marketing for Businesses and Non-Profits"
Longtime video producers Warren
Byerly (Visual Images Productions) and Eric Wylie (Eric Wylie
Productions) described and provided examples of countless ways to
use audio and video to spread the news about your organization. A
few possibilities: to provide an overview of your
company/organization, document awards/recognition your company has
received, provide training, introduce new products or services,
record important events, or archive employee knowledge.
Before creating a video, you'll need
to decide whether to use producers and/or writers for your project,
identify your target audience, plan your site, and line up the
required talent, sets, props, equipment and approvals. And that's
just the pre-production phase, followed by recording and
How much will it cost? Depending on
quality, the average cost per minute is $1,000-3,000. The most
effective length is five to 10 minutes (under five for web videos).
Your video can't be all things to all people, so keep it focused,
remembering to create that personal connection that makes the medium
such a powerful way to convey emotion.

is simply the name we give our mistakes."
- Oscar Wilde
Please email member news to Kandi Behnke at:

you looking for
a great way to meet other area Marketing, Communications and
Public Relations professionals and learn
exciting programs and people in Eastern Iowa? Then CRPRA is for
Rapids Public Relations Associates is an informal organization
of professionals dedicated to sharing information on
practices and future trends affecting the public relations

some free PR? Donate a door prize! Door prizes can be any items such
as coffee mugs, notebooks, candles, the ever-popular food items
(especially chocolate!), etc.
draw names each month and hand out the door prizes and spotlight the
businesses and individuals who donated. It's a win-win situation for
everyone! To donate an item, please contact any CRPRA steering
committee member, and thank you in advance for helping us celebrate
32 years of CRPRA!

If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker or topic you would like
to see offered at a future meeting, or have any questions about
CRPRA, please contact
any of the Steering Committee members listed below.
You may use the
online email form or call
the numbers listed.
Warren Byerly, Treasurer,
Visual Images Productions, 360-7567
Kandi Behnke, Newsletter Editor,
Executive Administrator,
and Riley Law Firm, 363-0101
Connie Fullmer Dunkin, Dunkin One, 396-0185
Sher Jasperse, Writer/Editor, 364-2535
Carol Myers, J&A Printing Inc., 393-1781 ext. 249
Amber O'Connor, Erb's Business Machines Inc., 364-5159 ext.
Debra Salz, Prevention Services & Strategies, 378-4640
Wilma Shadle, Retired Communications Professional,
Eric Wylie, Webmaster, Eric Wylie Productions,
Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates is an informal organization
of professionals dedicated to sharing information on effective practices
and future trends affecting the public relations field.
Find more information
online at
Copyright 2007-2008 - Cedar Rapids Public Relations Associates
Reflections is distributed monthly
via email from September through May.
If you wish to be removed from the CRPRA mailing list, please reply to
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